Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Romney, evolution, and the Presidency

I have been seeing some posts, blogs, and articles about Romney believing in theistic evolution. For those of you that don't know what that is, let me explain. Theistic evolution is the belief that there is evolution but it is God created and God guided.

Now, I have several problems with people going after Romney for this. One is that he at least believes it is from God. Two, I do not see how this effects the job he will do as a president. I know I have said it before but we are NOT electing a pastor. Right now schools teach full blown evolution and take God and Christ out of EVERYTHING, at least Mitt would want God and Christ put back in.

I do not agree with theistic evolution, I believe God spoke and we WERE, no questions asked. I do believe though that some animals have changed, evolved to fit their environments. I have a question for all of you though. Have you ever thought about the "big bang" theory? People believe that the universe just popped into existence right? Well the Bible says that God spoke, and things were created. 

Genesis Chapter 1: 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
  2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
  3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

I suggest you read the whole chapter of Genesis 1, but those first few verses show the point I was trying to make.  I am not saying this backs up theistic evolution, just saying the thought occurred to me that technically there was a kind of big bang, but not the way scientists believe. It was God creating the universe, and giving us life.

Many people may not agree with me, and that's OK. My point to this though is that it shouldn't matter what Mitt Romney's theological beliefs are. He has a right to them, just like we do. He believes in God and Jesus Christ, which to me is enough. I mean look at the man we have in the white house. He claims to be a "Christian" but he honors the Muslim religion, and the people of that religion, and has total disregard for our religious freedom.

To me Romney is a good man, a Christian (however you want to spin that, you can but it's true), a strong family man, with a good foundation, he has great business experience. You may not believe it but Mitt WILL protect the unborn, marriage, and religious freedom. As a matter of fact he has fought hard for those, but was up against a strong democratic majority and was shot down.

People this election is important, probably one of the most important in our lifetime. We HAVE to get Obama out of office. Stop trying to look at this election like we are electing someone that is a Pastor, or is perfect, that's impossible and that is too much to expect of someone.


  1. Nicely put. ;-)
    Common Sense Thinker!

  2. Very, very well said!!! I can feel it that he will be our next President! If people are going to continue believe in lies & let his religious belief get to them. Then they are fools.

    I believe Mitt can do it & get the job done better than anyone who were on that field (except Bachmann, she too knows how to get it done). Everyone just have to give Mitt a chance. Many MA Tourist I talked to even said that he did a fine job as MA Governor. It was all the Democratic & Liberals who didn't like his policy!!

    Mitt will have my support & vote!!

    1. I agree Donna! Mitt wasn't my first choice, but I do believe he will do an amazing job, and I am fully behind him now! Unfortunately so many people have lost sight of the bigger picture, and are holding candidates on a holier than though pedestal, and requiring impossible things of them.

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    1. Lisa I think you are just looking at one issue which is more a states rights issue and not what effect a communist like Obama will bring to our nation as a whole. I beg you to reconsider because your no vote in essence is a vote for someone who will if given the chance put more activist supreme court judges. This will take your right completely away. At least Mitt believes in states rights Obama believes in one right the federal government. My father always told me sometimes you have to vote the better of two evils.

    2. Lisa, I do understand your feelings but the information you have given is not quite complete. Romney did not make adoption by gay couples legal in Massachusetts. He is being blamed for it because he was the face of the government for that state at that time. In fact it was the Massachusetts's supreme court that passed the anti-descrimination law. Mitt Romney immediately pursued getting a bill passed that would exempt religious institutions from the state's anti-discrimination laws for that situation, which would enable Catholic Charities to continue adoption services.
      However, the democrat dominated legislature refused. Rather than seek for a way to allow the charity to continue serving while not compromising the Catholic Church's beliefs, as Governor Romney wanted, they instead chose only to personally attack him for his efforts with accusations of political posturing. Obama is far more deadly to this country than most people know. I don't agree 100 percent with Romney but I do honestly believe that if Obama is on office another 4 years this country will cease to be as we know it. Please take a look at facts behind what Romney has said not the way it is being misused. God Bless.

    3. 4Truth thank you for the comment, you are spot on! So much of what Romney is blamed for I find that the democratic majority in MA was responsible for, and Romney actually fought it! Unfortunately a lot of people are blind and clinging to prejudice, instead of really looking into the circumstances.

  4. That is your prerogative Lisa. I strongly disagree. For one he didn't flat out say he supported gay adoption. He said that he believes children NEED a mom and a dad, not 2 of one or the other, but that sometimes it's not possible. As usual, people are running with it, and twisting it etc. The same thing they did with Rick, of course if it was Rick people would defend him. It's your choice how you vote, but it's that kind of choice, that will ruin the country. God bless.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Again you do not have the facts. Romneycare he fought not to have abortions covered, the democratic majority is who got their way. He also fought for religious institution to be exempt, and was shot down. RESEARCH. If this was Rick you guys would have a field day with the lies being spread.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Here is this, from pro-life leaders, in support of Romney. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpTwfBHbEb4

      I have the links to back up what I said just need to find them :) Love how it's ok to come on someone else s blog and be nasty though....I HAVE done my research, a lot of it, it's just not biased like some...

    4. Here is one of the links, and the site as a whole is good. I know you are going to say "it's pro Romney" and go ahead if you want to be that closed minded. Every thing listed here as articles and links to back it up. http://www.whyromney.com/index.php#abortion

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  6. Sherene and Lisa have you ever thought about this that this is GOD'S will for WE THE PEOPLE I was a naysayer of Mitt Romney at one time but as I have gotten to know Mitt a bit better I find out that Mitt Romney is a great guy sure Mitt has made his mistakes in the past but haven't we all out of all the GOP candidates I bet I can name at least one mistake each of them have made nobody is perfect but Sherene and Lisa your hearts are harden your hurting yourselves more by being bitter and having hatred towards Mitt Romney this election is important and if Obama gets in a second term then Lisa and Sherene kiss your freedoms goodbye but I ask you Lisa and Sherene to humbly ask GOD who will be better fit to run this country I know that you two are very strong Christians and I know you too love to pray so please PRAY and ask GOD seek his advise and he'll lead you to where you need to go or he'll lead you to your choice .

    1. I agree w/ Adam! We all made mistakes in the past & we learned by that mistakes.

      And Lisa, do me a great big favor. Do NOT go around telling people to stay away from Orlando!! Just b/c Gay Day is coming, don't think for 1 bit that people is or are going to avoid Orlando. There is where many, many major Theme Parks & restaurants are. If you do continue to tell people that. The there are people who work all in that area will lose money & business & then people will be out of work!! Gay Days does bring huge tourist & help Florida w/ money situation!!!

      As for Mitt Romney, he is a great guy, very, very nice & down to earth. My friend saw him was very lucky to see him. I almost had my chance. But miss him b/c of work. You need do your homework good & better than you are doing!!

    2. I agree with Adam and with Donna. This stuff is petty. Using God as an excuse for what you are doing is wrong. If you personally don't like them, then you don't. I ask you this though, who among you has ever done something you regretted? made a bad decision? would you want that brought up NOW? and thrown in your face? no of course not.

      Mitt is a good guy, with a good heart. We may not agree on everything, but he WILL be a good president, and much better than Obama. Go ahead, vote third party, try to destroy the nomination. When the blood of this country is on your hands you will regret it....

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. For one this is not just directly in response to your blog. I have seen the same thing said by a few people, and figured a place I knew would be seen by other's was better than going around and posting on everyone else's posts. I also received some advice from some close friends, who agreed. I am not blind, and I don't defend every "evil" thing as you say. I am just a bit more forgiving, and know we ALL make mistakes. Sherene not even YOU are free from sin. You like other Christians have a warped view of politics. We need to do what we can to help this country, to save lives. It's not as important to people as they make it out to be, or conversations like this would not happen.

    5. There was a point in time where Romney did say he was pro-choice and he acted accordly. What his actions did during that time is between him and God. He now says he is not pro choice because of something he saw in a lab. He is now pro-life. He has declined to explain what he saw and frankly that is his business. The fact that he is open about that experiance is enough to show one his character. I don't agree with him when life begins. I believe it begins at conception. He believes at implantation. To him a fertilized egg is not alive. That being said I will pick someone who believes that over someone like Obama who voted to have children killed who survived abortions or who is ok with abortions up to and including partial birth. We will never get a candidate who enbodies all virtues until the day Jesus him self takes the throne on earth. Humans are not perfect therefore human leaders are not perfect. Those that will not vote for Romney will vote for Obama in one way or another. What other options are there Sherene?
