Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Santorum's endorsement

I was so excited to read Rick's endorsement of Mitt Romney last night. Rick put a lot of though into this decision and definitely did not go into it blindly. Rick and Mitt met on Friday to discuss some important issues, and Rick said he felt confident that Mitt was on the right side (abortion, Obamacare, etc). I am so proud of Rick and how he handled this!

I have heard people saying they will still not support Romney as the nominee. These are people that say they trust Santorum 100%. Well you either trust Rick or you don't. If you trust him, you trust him in this decision as well. Rick would not lead people down a blind path or a bad road, and I would trust him with my life. That being said, we NEED to help Rick and support Mitt in order to get Obama out of the White House.

People need to remember, we are NOT electing a pastor or head of church, we are electing a president. Using someone's denomination (Baptist, Catholic, Mormon, etc) as an excuse not to vote is foolhardy. If someone believes in God and Jesus Christ, that we are saved by Faith and God's merciful grace, then that is good enough for me. Differences in theology are not going to send us to hell, and we will not have to account for voting for someone of another denomination. This excuse to me is a cop out. We have so much to worry about with this election! Our country is sliding further and further into debt by the second, we have international threats, our families and lives are under attack. There is a big picture here that involves so much more than someone's chosen denomination!

Please everyone, think about this, and make the choice that is best for the country. To vote third party, write in, or not at all is a selfish vote, an a vote for Obama.

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