Monday, April 30, 2012

dinner speech nonsense

So I just read the entire transcript of Obama's speech the other night (if you haven't seen or read it here is the link

I can not tell you how disgusted I am. Just when I think he can't surprise me anymore...he pulls a stunt like this. The entire speech is filled with his poor attempt at humor and making fun of others, putting them down, and just plain filth. Example, he mentions Sarah Palin and the difference between a pit-bull and a hockey mom? his response though is that pit bulls taste good, with soy sauce...really?

People this is the man we have in office. He give no regard for the American people or this country. He has no class, no honor. All he cares about are himself and his rich buddies, screw the rest of the country. Tasteless crap like this is NOT appropriate for the President, but then when have Obama or his wife done the respectable or appropriate thing. They have taken 17 total vacations, several of which cost millions of dollars, oh but they make up for it by reimbursing the American people for ONE of those 17. I hear things like "well Bush took vacations to his ranch" yes he did, the ranch he OWNED before becoming President. He also often included work in his vacations. Unlike Obama who was in Hawaii when we were threatened by attacks a couple of Christmases ago, and he stayed there, why should he care right?

What gets me is you can show the facts to people, and they STILL will support him. My husband was telling an Obama supporter about the Alice in Wonderland party Obama threw for his kids that cost millions. Now Obama admitted to this, he said he tried to keep it a secret because he felt with the economy people would have taken offense (no, really? what made you think that Mr. President). The guy my husband told this to said "no that party is a lie". Seriously? there are pictures, Obama released a statement himself about it, but never happened.

People are so blind, all I can do is pray for God's grace for this country, for the people in it, that eyes will be open.

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